Friday, October 9, 2009


I was thinking of useing twitter in a similar way to what we did the RSS feed. I think it would be helpful in my professional development to follow some educator's twitter pages and learn from them. I could hopefully build a relationship with a few of them and learn more as I go. I also like some of the ideas about useing twitter for other things besides tweets. Educational videos would be a great idea. Posting some or viewing other people's. I also think its important to know you're not the only one having the problems you run into on a daily basis as a young teacher, so viewing some other teacher's twitter pages and seeing some of their thoughts on their struggles could be a really big help. I think we can always learn from each other and following people on twitter is definitely one good way.

1 comment:

  1. Michael,
    Yes, both rss and Twitter can help us keep up with educational developments. However, one of the important aspects of both is commenting on the posts of people whose blogs you follow in rss or sending Tweets directly to people you follow in Twitter.
    Don't forget to press "preview" before you post. This will help you catch spelling errors. ("Using" is the correct form.)
    Dr. Burgos
